2023 HydroKG Summer School in Kyrgyzstan

October 6, 2023

Within the framework of the EU-funded Hydro4U project, one of the main tasks is also the development of academic programs and courses on sustainable hydropower for students from Europe and Central Asia.  Therefore, the Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov (KSTU), as project partner within Hydro4U, has been annually holding a two-week summer school for students since 2021 on the topic “Kyrgyzstan – hydropower, ecology and hydromorphology.”


The 2023 Summer School took place from the 14th to 31st of August 2023, with a total of 15 students from Germany, India, Pakistan and the Kyrgyz Republic participating in this year’s Summer School. Furthermore, participants were able to experience the incredible potential of hydropower in Kyrgyzstan, and also learn about the environmental impacts and sustainability associated with ecology and hydromorphology. The main organizational work of the Summer School was carried out by Venera Baychekirova, Head of the international Department of KSTU, with technical support from members of KSTU, and Professors Trukmen Dzhabudaev, Gennady Loginov, Nuridin Niyazov, who gave lectures. The Summer School concept consists of lectures and seminars at KSTU in Bishkek, combined with excursions to interesting places in the Kyrgyz Republic related to hydropower and natural river systems. In addition, there are also cultural offerings such as Russian language courses and sightseeing trips.


During their stay in Central Asia, students visited hydroelectric power stations in the south and north of Kyrgyzstan, such as Toktogul, Kambar Ata 1 and 2 as well as Kurpsai. They learned about the environmental impacts and sustainability associated with the ecology and hydromorphology, but also about the hydro-electrical part of the plants. In addition, as part of the 2023 Summer School there was also a visit to the Orto-Tokoy reservoir in Issyk-Kul, where students listened to an information and demonstration lecture led by Director Nurbek Sadygaliev on irrigation in Central Asia.


Where students participating in previous editions of the Summer School visited the Chui, Jalal-Abad and Issyk-Kul regions, this year, the cultural program included the Naryn region, the Kochkor region and Lake Son-Kul, where students were able to experience the lifestyle of nomads.


Further summer schools are planned annually. Students will be informed about the application stage for Summer School 2024 on our website https://kstu.kg/en/summer-school-1  as well as on our social networks https://www.facebook.com/kstu.kg and https: //www.instagram.com/kgtu.kmtu/


It is expected that within the framework of Hydro4U, professors from among the project partners will also be invited to give a lecture and seminar on the topic of the summer school.




Author: Venera Baichekirova, Head of International Relations Department of KSTU