Horizon Europe in Central Asia: Promoting Research Excellence and Collaboration for Sustainable Energy

13 – 15 May 2024, Astana, Kazakhstan



During the “Sustainable Development Solutions Network Conference” in Astana, Kazakhstan the Hydro4U partner ILF will conribute to a workshop that will be organised jointly by the Sustainable Development Solutions Network of Kazakhstan, Nazarbayev University, Science Fund of Kazakhstan, the European Union (EU) funded project “Sustainable Energy Connectivity in Central Asia (SECCA)” and Chevron.


The workshop aims to highlight how Horizon Europe and especially Cluster 5 “Climate, Energy and Mobility” is relevant to participants from academia and research institutes. Funding schemes, projects and initiatives will be presented that match the priorities of stakeholders from Central Asia. The event gathers national and international speakers who presented on how Horizon Europe can support addressing challenges in areas such as sustainable energy.


Hydro4U will be represented by partner ILF.




For further information visit: https://secca.eu/event/workshop-horizoneu-140524/