HyPeak webinar “Sustainable Hydropeaking Management”
The HyPeak research network is organising a webinar series around the topic of hydropeaking. The webinars will take place every second month to share relevant knowledge about hydropeaking issues and foster knowledge exchange and discussions. Attendance is free of charge.
Registration: Please register here at least one day before the webinar. (if you cannot register via the Google form, please send an email to hypeaknetwork@gmail.com)
The zoom-link to the webinar will be shared with you after your registration.
The 2nd webinar of this series will take place on 30 March 2022, 17:00 – 18:00 CEST.
The HyPeak network has been created to enrich international research initiatives and support hydropower planning and policy. In this webinar, discussions about emerging best management practise regarding hydropeaking mitigation in line with European policy guidelines are initiated.

Dr. Lorenzo Gorla (BAFU/Switzerland): “Hydropeaking mitigation and
management in Switzerland”, (20 min)
Katarina Vartia (SWAM/SE, WG ECOSTAT), Jeanne Boughaba (DG ENV/EU
COM) & Jo H. Halleraker (NTNU/NO, CIS ATG HYMO): “Required mitigation
measures to address hydropeaking in line with EU guidelines”, (20 min)
Moderator: Professor Ramon J. Batalla (Universitat de Lleida/ES)
Relevant links:
- Status of hydropeaking management in Switzerland
- Relevant EU guidelines addressing hydropeaking mitigation:
- EU CIS guideline no 36 – (WFD article 4.7) New modifications to the physical characteristics of surface water bodies or new sustainable human development activities
- EU CIS guideline no 37 with European mitigation measures library
- EUs taxonomy of sustainable finance – electricity from hydropower
- JRC report EUR 28413.– Common understanding of mitigation measures for reaching GEP in HMWBs impacted by water storage
Further webinar dates
8th June 2022, 17:00 – 18:00 (CEST) – “Effects of Hydropeaking on bio-physical Processes”
About HyPeak
The HyPeak research network was established in 2020 to encourage integrated interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary knowledge to address the complex challenges of hydropeaking in a changing world with an increasing flexible energy demand. Hydro4U partner BOKU is a member of this network.
HyPeak’s vision is to bring together a reference group of experts to support evidence-based legislation at different levels (from national to international) and to enhance the value of the interaction between hydropeaking research and policy.
You will find more information about the HyPeak network on the follwing webpages, where also the presentations from the webinars will be uploaded: