Новости и события
Новости и события

Новости и события

Вам интересно, что происходит с проектом и отраслью малой гидроэнергетики?
Узнайте о последних новостях и событиях, связанных с Hydro4U. Вы можете отсортировать по категориям.

Cooperative Strategies for Central Asian Transboundary Water Management
Horizon Europe project “ReHydro – Demonstration of sustainable hydropower refurbishment” is picking up steam
WE-ACT Showcased Transboundary Water Allocation Simulation and Tariff Systems in Central Asia
Digital Hydropower Di-Hydro 2024 Wrap
What’s next on Open-source Educational Materials to Empower Future Water-Food-Energy-Climate (WFEC) Nexus Leaders of Central Asia
Strengthening Cooperation Through the WEFE Nexus in Central Asia
On a path to strengthening transboundary tributary governance in Central Asia for better Nexus outcomes
Demonstration activities on six real hydroelectric power plants: the D-HYDROFLEX project
The iAMP-Hydro project on new digital sensors and services
News about Hydro4U’s innovation

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