Новости и события
Новости и события

Новости и события

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Press-Release: Hydro4U Project Pioneers Sustainable Small Hydropower Solutions to Unlock Central Asia’s Energy Potential Amid Climate Challenges
Hydro4U Consultation in At-Bashi, Kyrgyzstan Explores Water Governance and Count4D Tool Deployment
Small-hydropower solutions from Europe are on their way to Central Asia
Stakeholder Consultation Meeting on deployment Count4D tool and foster water governance for optimum benefits sharing in Shakhimardan basin
Hydro4U – European project on sustainable small-scale hydropower in Central Asia meets in Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Shakhimardan river basin in the spotlight of Hydro4U project
Hydro4U – European project on sustainable small-scale hydropower in Central Asia officially launched

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