Новости и события
Новости и события

Новости и события

Вам интересно, что происходит с проектом и отраслью малой гидроэнергетики?
Узнайте о последних новостях и событиях, связанных с Hydro4U. Вы можете отсортировать по категориям.

LIFE NEXUS: What if urban water networks could become a source of renewable energy?
Workshop on enhancing Water Security and managing Water Resources in Central Asia held by IWMI
IWMI presents the Hydro4U project at training sessions in Kazakhstan
Presentation of the Hydro4U project at the International Conference in Kazakhstan
Empowering Women in Central Asia’s Energy Transition: Addressing Gender in the Hydro4U Project
Hydro4U project partner TIIAME organises Workshop at the Ministry of Natural Resources
Hydro4U project coordinator meets the Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic to Germany in Bavaria
Registration for the International Summer School 2023
HYDRO4U Special Session at the ASIA 2023 Conference
Hydro4U partner BOKU on sustainable hydropower

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