Новости и события
Новости и события

Новости и события

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Happy Faces all around – Hydro4U team met with Kyrgyz cooperation partner Orion
Hydro4U presents first ecological results of the Shakimardan case study at the 36th Congress of the International Society of Limnology in Berlin
Hydro4U Website now available in Russian language
Fieldtrip of the Hydro4U ecology team to Shakimardan Enclave (Uzbekistan)
EGU General Assembly 2022: Abstract by Hydro4U partners HSOL and IWMI accepted!
Application for International Summer School on hydropower is open!
HyPeak: Survey on Hydropeaking Hydropower
Visit of potential planning site in Tajikistan
Hydro4U is now member of PLANET CLUSTER
Hydro4U is now on YouTube

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