Новости и события
Новости и события

Новости и события

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Узнайте о последних новостях и событиях, связанных с Hydro4U. Вы можете отсортировать по категориям.

Hydro4U project discovers fishes in Koksu River (Shakimardan enclave, Uzbekistan) for the first time
Hydro4U – European project on sustainable small-scale hydropower in Central Asia meets in Tashkent, Uzbekistan
39th IAHR World Congress
45th Dresden Hydraulic Engineering Colloquium
Boosting the replication of European Small-hydropower solutions in Central Asia
HyPeak webinar “Effects of Hydropeaking on bio-physical Processes”
2nd High-level International Conference on the International Decade for Action “Water for Sustainable Development”, 2018-2028
Curious to explore Hydro4U project? Discover our dissemination materials!
27th ICOLD World Congress
2nd Hydro4U Newsletter – May 2022

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