Hydro4U presents success story at SECCA event in Astana, Kazakhstan

More than 120 researchers, scientists, representatives of research institutes, universities and other organisations working in the field of sustainable energy gathered at the regional workshop “Horizon Europe in Central Asia: Promoting Research Excellence and Collaboration for Sustainable Energy”. This workshop took place in the frame of the “Sustainable Development Solutions Network Conference” in Astana, Kazakhstan.


Partner ILF presented the Hydro4U success story: https://secca.eu/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Ilyas-Aidyngaliyev-ENG-.pdf 


The workshop was organised jointly by the Sustainable Development Solutions Network of Kazakhstan, Nazarbayev University, Science Fund of Kazakhstan, the European Union (EU) funded project “Sustainable Energy Connectivity in Central Asia (SECCA)” and Chevron.



For further information visit: https://secca.eu/horizon-europe-regional-workshop-140524/