D-HYDROFLEX project conducts survey on hydropower digitalization trends & barriers

The D-HYDROFLEX project is conducting a survey aiming to investigate the barriers that hinder the digitalisation of the hydropower plants and limit the potential of hydropower sector to provide flexibility. The questionnaire is structured upon 4 sections: (A) Participant profile, (B) Hydropower digitalization, (C) Hydropower flexibility, (D) Regulatory barriers to hydropower digitalization and flexibility.


The survey will be available through this link and should not take more than 10 minutes to complete: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScUtT7prjjjIh-HIJIc-ir23swmTU8EMbAI80kDmo2tMjuj-w/viewform?pli=1



For further information visit: https://d-hydroflex.eu/