Hydro4U team contributes to IUCN FRESHWATER FISH SPECIALIST GROUP newsletter

Sustainability is a crucial part of the developments in small-scale hydropower (SHP) in Central Asia, particularly ecological sustainability. Ecological impacts of SHP on aquatic ecosystems are numerous, such as hampered aquatic animal migration, altered flow regimes (reduced flow, fast flow changes), changed river morphology (sediment retention, increased embeddedness), habitat fragmentation or changes in physical-chemical water quality parameters. Investigations were performed by the consortium of partners from Europe: BOKU (Austria), EVINBO (Belgium), Hydrosolutions (Switzerland) and SJE
(Germany) in cooperation with the local partner TIIAME (Uzbekistan) in the demonstration sites Shakimardan at Koksu River in Uzbekistan, and Atbashy close to Naryn City at Atbashy river in Kyrgyzstan with a focus on the mitigation of ecological impacts.


Check out the full newsletter article here