Pan-European Stakeholder Consultation

10 – 13 March 2025, Brussels, Belgium



The Pan-European Stakeholder Consultation (PESC) for the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) is co-organised by the ECA Network, the RESPIN project, and Biodiversa+. The meeting will take place in Brussels, Belgium, during the week of 10 March 2025.

This event brings together stakeholders, including National Focal Points, experts, and organisations working at the science-policy interface on biodiversity and climate change in Europe and Central Asia. It will provide opportunities for networking and exchange on key topics related to engagement with IPBES and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).


Programme Highlights:

  • Engagement with IPBES and IPCC: Guidance for National Focal Points and experts, available support, best practices, and participation in the second IPBES Global Assessment.
  • Uptake of IPBES and IPCC Assessments: Examples of national-level applications, integrating IPCC AR6 and the IPBES Nexus Assessment.
  • Biodiversity and Climate Change Interlinkages: Panel discussion and knowledge exchange between scientific communities.
  • Poster Session: Showcasing capacity-building initiatives, research projects, and activities on climate change and biodiversity.



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