The iAMP-Hydro project on new digital sensors and services

July 1, 2024

The current hydropower plant fleet in the EU is aged, and it is estimated that 50% of the fleet will require upgrade actions by 2030. In particular, modernisation actions related to digitalisation are required in the short to medium term, in order to offer enhanced services, increase grid flexibility, environmental and socio-economic sustainability and to foster the green and digital transitions in Europe.


The iAMP-Hydro project will improve the operations of existing hydropower stations through the development of new digital sensors and services. Combined, these will form a novel intelligent Asset Management Platform for Hydropower Operation and Maintenance, the iAMP.


The following aspects are worked on in the project to reach the iAMP-Hydro objectives:


  • Condition Monitoring of Hydropower Equipment (lab scale & on-site sensors)
  • Predictive Maintenance Modelling (lab scale & on-site sensors)
  • Ecology Monitoring Sensor Development, Data Analysis & Smart Flow Steering (lab scale & on-site sensors)
  • Flow & Available Power Prediction Model Development
  • Semantic Interoperability Mechanisms for Hydropower, Energy & other relevant Data
  • End-User Requirements and Architecture Design for the ICT Components of iAMP-Hydro & iAMP implementation
  • Data Analytics and Hydro Asset Management Platform Development
  • System Validation in Operating Hydro plants & Case studies


By reaching the objectives, iAMP-Hydro aims at increasing the technology competitiveness of existing hydro by reducing O&M costs by 5-10 %, improving generation and revenues, increasing flexibility and data-driven decision making in hydropower operations. It will also increase the market penetration of renewables in the grid by 8.4 TWh/y, getting closer to the EU 2030 Climate and Energy targets, and the EU green deal. iAMP-Hydro will improve environmental and socio-economic sustainability of the existing hydropower fleet by reducing operating costs by € 1 billion per annum, reducing CO2 emissions by 1260 tonnes, creating 10,000 future-proof jobs, and enabling environmentally sustainable flow regulation using digital solutions.


Furthermore, the iAMP-Hydro project invites interested stakeholders to its Community of Practice where the latest results are presented for discussion, getting directly involved to form a sustainable energy future (connecting hydropower, PV and wind energy). Registration and participation at the Community of Practice is free of charge, thanks to funding from the European Union. Register here if you want to be part of it: Community of Practice –


Save-the Date: On 4 December 2024, we invite you for our 2nd Co-Development Workshop, dedicated to the topic of Artificial intelligence in hydropower digitalisation webinar. You can find out more on .


Site presentation example:

One of the five demonstration sites is HPP Bermejales (2.1 MW) in the South of Spain. It is a dam-toe type plant with an average production of 2 GWh per annum, with a reservoir of 102.6 hm3. It is in a dry tropical climate. The plant contains a Francis turbine with 0.8-4.8 m3/s flows, and a nominal head of 56.5 m at 750 rpm. This is also an ideal plant to explore possible solutions of hybridisation and interoperability with other renewable sources and to foster hydro flexibility solutions and participation in energy markets, due to its seasonal operation, as the downstream water is used for irrigation which takes place for just a few months per year.

Content provided by Ingo Ball (WIP Renewable Energies) & the iAMP-Hydro consortium
