13 – 17 May 2024, Munich, Germany


IFAT is the world’s leading network for environmental technologies. In addition to the world’s leading trade fair IFAT Munich, this network also includes trade fairs in China, India, South Africa, Brasil and Turkey. A global network for decision-makers in companies in the environmental technology sector with specific solutions for the respective challenges in the different markets.


Hydro4U representative and project partner MUHR will be participating in this event with a booth.



For further information visit: Home (ifat.de)

15th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics and Fish Passage

5 – 9 May 2024, Québec, Canada


Launched in 1994, the International Symposia on Ecohydraulics aim to provide a platform for scientists and engineers worldwide to discuss cutting-edge scientific progress, compare and evaluate state-of-the-art technical methods, and recommend them to the end-users. This joint event aims to foster discussion on research and management of aquatic ecosystems and how their connectivity and processes are being impacted by climate change.


Hydro4U representative Daniel S. Hayes from BOKU attended this conference, presenting our studies on ecohydraulics within our project, conducted in collaboration with project partners TIIAME, SJE and INBO



For further information visit: Ecohydraulics | Ecohydraulics community website

European Geosciences Union (EGU)

14 – 19 April 2024, Vienna, Austria


The EGU General Assembly 2024 brings together geoscientists from all over the world to one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary, and space sciences. The EGU aims to provide a forum where scientists, especially early career researchers, can present their work and discuss their ideas with experts in all fields of geoscience.


Hydro4U representative Hannah Schwedhelm from TUM attended this General Assembly, holding a presentation within Session HS9.6 on Hydro-morphological processes and links to ecology in freshwater systems: numerical and monitoring approaches.



For further information visit: EGU24 – Home and Abstract EGU24-17002 (copernicus.org)

GISCA 2024

29 – 31 May 2024, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan


The 2024 GIS-in-Central-Asia Conference continues the tradition of GISCA conferences and will be held as an on-site conference at the Kyrgyz State Technical University in Bishkek.


The conference committee invites scientific papers on the stated conference themes with a focus on the Central Asian Region. Active participation in the conference is welcome as presentation of a paper or poster, through personal attendance with discussion and comments. Submission of abstracts or papers will be accepted until May 1.


Poster uploads: open after April 15 at https://arcg.is/0eiLTz0



For further information visit: GISCA 2024 | ACAGIScience (aca-giscience.org)


12 – 17 February 2024, Samarkand, Uzbekistan


The 14th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS COP14) is set to take place in the historic city of Samarkand, Uzbekistan, from 12 to 17 February 2024.


The conference will be convened under the slogan, “Nature knows no borders”, which, along with the logo, is a reminder that the journeys of migratory species do not adhere to political boundaries, and that their survival is dependent on international collaboration and transboundary conservations efforts.


CMS COP14 is a significant international meeting where governments, scientists and stakeholders will come together to agree on strategies for the conservation of migratory species and their habitats.



For further information visit: COP 14 | CMS

WE-ACT Webinar: Empowering Women in Water

9 February 2024, online webinar


This webinar isn’t just an event – it’s a platform for learning, sharing, and driving meaningful change. Whether you’re a professional in the field or simply passionate about sustainable water management, your participation is valuable.


What’s on the agenda? Insightful discussions led by esteemed professionals in science, policy, and industry. The goal is to foster a dynamic exchange of ideas, highlighting the pivotal contributions and unique challenges faced by women in water management.


Highlights of the Webinar:

  • Expert Insights: Gain perspectives from leaders making a real impact in the water sector.
  • Network Building: Connect with peers and industry trailblazers.
  • Collaborative Approaches: Discover and discuss innovative solutions to current and future water management challenges.


This webinar is strongly supported by Hydro4U.

Renpower Uzbekistan 2023: The path towards a new competitive power market

6 December 2023, Tashkent, Uzbekistan


This year, the Renpower Uzbekistan 2023 is dedicated to the just-energy transition with a special focus on accelerating investment and deployment of renewables in Uzbekistan.


This 4th annual edition will focus on the key topics related to the development of the renewable sector, namely the regulatory framework, current and future projects in power generation, technology solutions, electrical power infrastructure, energy storage, as well as on the financing of the sector.


The conversations will involve both public and private sector stakeholders. Hydro4U project coordinator Dipl. Ing. Bertalan Alapfy from the Technical University of Munich will contribute to the conference by presenting the EU-funded Hydro4U project in Session 2. He will join the panel of speakers online to share his views, expertise and projects on sustainable hydropower solutions, notably with the development of small scale hydropower in Central Asia, and Uzbekistan in particular.


Further information: Renpower Uzbekistan 2023 (euroconventionglobal.com)

International Conference in Kazakhstan

4 August 2023, Turkestan, Kazakhstan



On August 4, 2023, by invitation of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan as well as the Governor Office of the Turkestan Province of Kazakhstan, Country Manager of International Water Management Institute (IWMI) Regional Representative Office for Central Asia, Mr. Oyture Anarbekov, as well as IWMI Central Asia’s project consultant Mr. Abdikhamid Urazkeldiyev participated and contributed to the International Conference: Improving the environmental situation in the region through the development of green spaces and issues of agricultural development.



For further information visit: В ТУРКЕСТАНЕ МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫЕ УЧЕНЫЕ ПРИНЯЛИ РЕЗОЛЮЦИЮ (www.gov.kz)

Symposium Wallgau 2023

28-30 Juni 2023, Wallgau, Germany



This year, the Hydro4U project coordination from the Technical University of Munich participated in the 2023 Hydraulic engineering symposium in Wallgau, Germany, jointly organised with the ETH Zurich and the Technical University of Graz. Thereby, a special session on the Hydro4U demo site in At-Bashi was held as well as articles published, focusing on the demo sites in At-Bashi and Badam.




For further information: Symposium Wallgau 2023 – Lehrstuhl für Wasserbau und Wasserwirtschaft (tum.de)

Picture credits: Antonia Dallmeier

ASIA 2023 / Hydro4U Special Session

14-16 March 2023, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


The Aqua~Media International team, with the support of the Malaysian Government, the Malaysian Committee on Large Dams, and the State Power utilities, welcomes the global water and energy community to this event.


Peninsular Malaysia, as well as Sarawak and Sabah, have wide experience of large and small hydropower development and multipurpose dams. Study tours will visit to some of the large cascade developments in Peninsular Malaysia. Hydropower supplies about 20 per cent of Malaysia’s approximately 34 GW of installed capacity, with hydro supplying more than 20 TWh/year. The Government is strongly committed to increasing the share of renewable energy in the country’s generation mix, with a target to add 4 GW of renewables across the thirteen states by 2030.


A major element of the ASIA 2023 event will be the Technical Exhibition, running for three days alongside the conference. The exhibition pavilions will be the main hub for business networking, between delegates and industry representatives who will be exhibiting their supplies and services.


In addition, there will be a Special Session on IEA activities and Hydro4U, promoting small hydro development in Central Asia, chaired by project partner Klaus Jorde, International Energy Agency. The content of this session will reflect the current activities of IEA Hydro, and Hydro4U project coordinator Bertalan Alapfy from the Technical University of Munich will host a session on the support of small hydro in Central Asia. A new element to the session will be papers on Hydro4U (see also Hydropower & Dams, Issue 5, 2022), in which IEA is involved.



Further information: Conference Themes | ASIA 2023 (hydropower-dams.com) and Conference programm: ASIA 2023