Hydro4U Consultation in At-Bashi, Kyrgyzstan Explores Water Governance and Count4D Tool Deployment

8th September 2023


As part of the EU-project Hydro4U a Stakeholder Consultation was held in At-Bashi, Kyrgyzstan, to foster water governance and deployment of the Count4D tool. The event brought together local and provincial stakeholders to discuss integrated transboundary policies for sustainable benefit sharing, considering the Water-Energy-Food-Climate nexus. The consultation included presentations on shared benefits analysis for small-scale hydropower installations and the innovative Count4D tool for water planning and accounting. Discussions focused on deploying the Count4D tool in Kyrgyzstan, particularly in the At-Bashi district, with feedback from local stakeholders informing future developments.


Read more in our press release: EN




Краткая информация:

В рамках проекта ЕС Hydro4U в Ат-Баши (Кыргызстан) была проведена консультация заинтересованных сторон с целью содействия управлению водными ресурсами и внедрению инструмента Count4D. Мероприятие объединило местные заинтересованные стороны для обсуждения комплексной трансграничной политики для устойчивого распределения выгод с учетом взаимосвязи воды, энергии, продовольствия и климата. Консультация включала презентации по анализу общих выгод для малых гидроэлектростанций и инновационному инструменту Count4D для планирования и учета водных ресурсов. Обсуждения были сосредоточены на внедрении инструмента Count4D в Кыргызстане, особенно в Ат-Башинском районе, при этом отзывы местных заинтересованных сторон предоставили информацию, которая будет использована в дальнейшем.

Picture credits: Oyture Anarbekov, International Water Management Institute (IWMI)

Small-hydropower solutions from Europe are on their way to Central Asia

20th / 21st June 2023


During a two-day meeting, a partnership of organisations from European and Central Asian research and industry evaluated the progress of their past activities within the EU-funded project Hydro4U while also discussing the next steps. As the project is currently on time within the foreseen schedule, the aim is to keep the planned timeline of the small-hydro-power solutions in the Shakimardan Enclave (Uzbekistan) and At-Bashy (Kyrgyzstan). The Hydro4U project ensures eco-friendly small-hydropower solutions in these two demonstration sites.


Read more in our press release: EN, RU

Picture credits: Charlotte Schlicke, Steinbeis Europa Zentrum

Stakeholder Consultation Meeting on deployment Count4D tool and foster water governance for optimum benefits sharing in Shakhimardan basin



In the frame of the EU funded “Hydro4U (Hydropower for you)” project a workshop on the deployment of the Count4D tool as well as a Stakeholder consultation meeting to foster water governance for optimum benefits sharing in Shakhimardan basin has been organized in Osh city, Kyrgyzstan on April 17, 2023. The organisers International Water Management Institute, office for Central Asia (IWMI), the project partner hydrosolutions GmbH and national partners such as the Kadamjay District Water Authority discussed with local stakeholders the importance of water accountability and benefits sharing in the context of the Water-Energy-Food and Climate Nexus with regard to the installation of Small Hydro Power (SHP).


Read more in our press release: 2023-04-17_Shakhimardan press release_EN

Picture credits: Mr. Ilshat Tukhvatullin, IWMI-Central Asia Office

Hydro4U – European project on sustainable small-scale hydropower in Central Asia meets in Tashkent, Uzbekistan



Hydro4U is a project funded under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. Organisations from Europe and Central Asia are collaborating to boost sustainable small-scale hydropower in Central Asia. Eco-friendly hydropower solutions will be implemented in two demonstration plants: one in Kyrgyzstan and one in Uzbekistan. Further sites in Central Asia will be selected as planning sites. This week, the consortium met for two days in Tashkent for a general project meeting together with the project’s Advisory Board team to review the activities of the past twelve months and plan the upcoming actions. The meeting also included a special session with regional EU Delegations to benefit from the expertise of the Commission.


Read more in our press release: EN, RU, UZ

Shakhimardan river basin in the spotlight of Hydro4U project

A workshop on the assessments and benefits sharing in the context of the Water-Food-Energy-Climate nexus in Shakhimardan river basin was held on 09th March 2022 in Ferghana city, Uzbekistan. The event was organised by the International Water Management Institute Office for Central Asia (a CGIAR), ‘UZBEKGIDROENERGO’ JSC, and ‘TIIAME’ NRU under the EU funded “Hydro4U (Hydropower for you)” project in order to discuss with local stakeholders about the importance of understanding the nexus between Water-Energy-Food and Climate with regard to the installation of Small Hydro Power (SHP).


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Hydro4U – European project on sustainable small-scale hydropower in Central Asia officially launched

Hydro4U is a project funded under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. Under the coordination of Technical University of Munich, 13 partners from 8 countries are collaborating to boost sustainable small-scale hydropower in Central Asia. Eco-friendly hydropower solutions will be implemented in two demonstration plants in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. The project was officially launched on 29th June 2021.


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