News & Events
News & Events

News & Events

Interested what is going on in our project and the small-scale hydropower community?
Then Check out Hydro4U’s latest news & events. You can sort by category.

Celebration of the official launch of the Francis Container Power Solution in Shakimardan
D-HYDROFLEX project conducts survey on hydropower digitalization trends & barriers
ETIP HYDROPOWER announces Virtual Postcard Summer Edition
Hydro4U team contributes to IUCN FRESHWATER FISH SPECIALIST GROUP newsletter
INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL 2024 – “Kyrgyzstan – Hydropower, Ecology and Hydro morphology»
The international Horizon 2020 Hydro4U project continues its activities to adapt European eco-friendly small hydropower equipment and technologies to Central Asia
Hydro4U partner TIIAME meets with the delegation of the German Ministry of Education and Research
LIFE NEXUS: What if urban water networks could become a source of renewable energy?
Workshop on enhancing Water Security and managing Water Resources in Central Asia held by IWMI
IWMI presents the Hydro4U project at training sessions in Kazakhstan