News & Events
News & Events

News & Events

Interested what is going on in our project and the small-scale hydropower community?
Then Check out Hydro4U’s latest news & events. You can sort by category.

International Summer School 2024 at the Razzakov KSTU
New Scientific Publication on Water Tales from Turkistan: Challenges and Opportunities for the Badam-Sayram Water System under a Changing Climate
Celebration of the official launch of the Francis Container Power Solution in Shakimardan
D-HYDROFLEX project conducts survey on hydropower digitalization trends & barriers
ETIP HYDROPOWER announces Virtual Postcard Summer Edition
Hydro4U team contributes to IUCN FRESHWATER FISH SPECIALIST GROUP newsletter
INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL 2024 – “Kyrgyzstan – Hydropower, Ecology and Hydro morphology»
The international Horizon 2020 Hydro4U project continues its activities to adapt European eco-friendly small hydropower equipment and technologies to Central Asia
Hydro4U presents success story at SECCA event in Astana, Kazakhstan
Hydro4U partner TIIAME meets with the delegation of the German Ministry of Education and Research