News & Events
News & Events

News & Events

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Then Check out Hydro4U’s latest news & events. You can sort by category.

Hydro4U project discovers fishes in Koksu River (Shakimardan enclave, Uzbekistan) for the first time
Boosting the replication of European Small-hydropower solutions in Central Asia
Curious to explore Hydro4U project? Discover our dissemination materials!
Hydro4U partner GLOBAL Hydro: smarT technology & modular Kaplan design
Assessments and benefits sharing in the context of the Water-Food-Energy-Climate nexus in Shakhimardan river basin
Understanding the Complex Hydrology of Semi-Arid Central Asia
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences draws upon 150 years of international research and management expertise
SJE Ecohydraulic Engineering – Linking Hydraulics with Ecology in Hydro4U
Making Hydro4U project activities visible and sustainable
Starting the first stage of the Hydro4U project