Hydro4U partner GLOBAL Hydro: smarT technology & modular Kaplan design

April 29, 2022

GLOBAL Hydro is the world’s first contact for digital small hydropower technologies and ensures a livable environment for the future through innovative solutions. The independent company with many years of experience in hydropower specialises in Kaplan, Pelton and Francis turbines in the range of 100kW to 30MW. In Hydro4U, Global Hydro will develop turbine technology that meets the requirements in Central Asia in terms of costs, installation, maintenance and operation while ensuring the highest European quality standards.


GLOBAL Hydro is very active in Asia. The company was Platinum Sponsor of the most important hydropower fair in Nepal: the World Expo Himalayan Hydro Expo 2022 in Kathmandu that took place from 2nd to 4th of April 2022. Besides, a few months ago, GLOBAL Hydro founded GLOBAL Hydro India, a new subsidiary with more than 60 employees, to further support and expand their existing project network in Central Asia.


GLOBAL Hydro’s role in Hydro4U is to adapt their hydropower solutions for the Hydro4U demo sites. Their goal in the project is to further develop two different technologies in a forward-looking manner:


  • on the one hand, an innovative Kaplan turbine for irrigation canals and existing weir structures in a modular design and
  • on the other hand, the Francis Container: smarT container solution for medium heads.
SmarT Container (credits: GLOBAL Hydro)

For this purpose, two demonstration sites will be selected and realised: one with the innovative Kaplan turbine, and one with the Francis smarT solution. Thus, GLOBAL Hydro will be able to show these two core technologies.


Their activities in Central Asia will highlight the potential of small hydropower worldwide as:



  • the Hydro4U demonstration sites shall inspire to exploit unused hydropower potential worldwide, regardless of their size
  • GLOBAL Hydro will show that such kind of products with European quality standards are feasible in Central Asia as well as worldwide.


Author: Alexandra Vogt, GLOBAL Hydro


Partner Description: GHE
Website:  https://www.global-hydro.eu/en
LinkedIn: Global Hydro Energy
Instagram: globalhydroenergy
Facebook: Global Hydro Energy

Assessments and benefits sharing in the context of the Water-Food-Energy-Climate nexus in Shakhimardan river basin

MARCH 31, 2022


The International Water Management Institute (IWMI) is a non-profit, research-for-development organisation, based in Colombo, Sri Lanka, that works with governments, civil society and the private sector to solve water problems in developing countries and scale up solutions. IWMI opened a subregional office in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, in 2001. It is the only international institute conducting water research in Central Asia. Together with the numerous partners and stakeholders from their broad network, IWMI tackles the key water management issues facing the region. IWMI identifies the best practices for improving irrigation performance, reversing land degradation, addressing interlinkages in the water-energy-food nexus, improving the efficiency of water and energy use, promoting the economic efficiency of water management, and enhancing transboundary water cooperation and governance in shared river basins. IWMI’s strategy is centered around three strategic programmes – Water, Food and Ecosystems; Water, Climate Change and Resilience; and Water, Growth and Inclusion – each supported by high-quality science and digital innovation.


In Hydro4U, IWMI is responsible to carry out the quantification of shared benefits and trade-off analyses from small-scale hydropower (SHP). The cross-sectoral nexus dimensions need to be fully understood, not only at regional level, but also in the specific local contexts where SHP solutions are planned. Therefore, a seminar was held on 9th March 2022 in Fergana (Uzbekistan) to exchange views with the population and local authorities on the assessment of the nexus interdependence and cross-sectoral distribution of interests. The purpose of the consultation meeting was to discuss with local stakeholders from Ferghana district the importance of the nexus between Water-Energy-Food and Climate in the context of SHP installation in Shakhimardansay, one of the demonstration sites selected under Hydro4U.


Therefore, it is important to understand how SHP will influence other sectors in the region and how it will improve socio-economic conditions of the enclave Shahimaradansay. The aim was to bring together representatives of the water, energy, agricultural and environmental sectors as well as local authorities.


The water, energy and food sectors are so strongly interlinked that actions in one area commonly impact on one or both of the other sectors. Yet, all too often, these sectors operate in isolation, and seeking security in one sector may in fact compromise others or affect negatively the integrity of ecosystems.


In transboundary basins, obtaining harmonised data from all riparian countries and forming a holistic and shared picture of the situation and future scenarios is more complicated and requires specific approaches and policy dialogues. A joint assessment of intersectoral links, trade-offs and benefits serve the development of more coherent policies, reducing frictions between sectors and environmental impacts, as well as promoting the expansion of cross-border cooperation.


The nexus approaches help governments, investors and local communities think about where and how to maintain, restore and improve ecosystems and biodiversity, regenerate agriculture, and support sustainable irrigation, clean energy, and agro-processing needs. The nexus approach involves a broad range of actors (including women, youth and vulnerable groups) and stakeholders working together to connect systems in ways that seek equitable economic and social well-being.


IWMI will assess the cross-sectoral nexus at regional level and in the specific local contexts where SHP solutions are planned.  A situational analysis report and survey to document site-specific characteristics will be prepared. Geospatial analyses will be enriched by interviews with stakeholders in the catchment area to capture detailed socio-economic dimensions on the ground. An investigation will be undertaken to determine to what extent site-specific learnings are transferable to the Central Asian context, to interstate canals and transboundary river basins.


IWMI jointly with other Hydro4U partners will conduct a mapping of the main actors at selected demo and test sites, of their roles and responsibilities and investigate the formal and informal institutions that exist to foster water governance. The robustness of sharing agreements will be screened according to their “climate-readiness”, including from the perspective of the extent of non-cooperation in the respective contexts.


Author: Saida Usmonova, IWMI-Tashkent


Partner Description: IWMI
Website:  https://www.iwmi.cgiar.org/about/where-we-work/asia/iwmi-in-central-asia/
LinkedIn: International Water Management Institute (IWMI)

Understanding the Complex Hydrology of Semi-Arid Central Asia

February 15, 2022

From a hydrological perspective, semi-arid Central Asia is a region of immense contrasts. On its south-eastern fringe are the large mountain ranges, including the Hindu Kush, the Pamir, the Gissar-Alay, and the Tien Shan. From there, the major rivers of the region emerge, including the Harirud and Murghab rivers, the Amu Darya and the Syr Darya as part of the Aral Sea basin, and finally, the Chu River and Talas River (Figure 1). These rivers are mostly snow melt-fed, with peak discharge occurring during the warm boreal summer months. During the irrigation season, much of the annually available water gets allocated for agricultural production in the downstream. This has allowed the region to prosper for millennia and led to the Aral Sea’s desiccation in the second half of the 20th century after irrigation systems saw a significant expansion in the area.


hydrosolutions GmbH (HSOL) is the lead expert agency on hydrology and remote sensing in the EU Horizon 2020 Hydro4U project. The team has more than 15 years of experience in the region. Additionally, it draws on a significant pool of local experts to unravel the fascinatingly complex hydrology in Central Asia on the one hand and to study in detail climate impacts there, with a focus on implications for the development of sustainable small-scale hydropower solutions in the highlands there.

Figure 1: The major river basins of south-western semi-arid Central Asia are shown. The red dots indicate the locations of 277 gauging stations for which stream flow characteristics have been collected and the contributing areas delineated. The colours show the aridity index where red colours indicate highly arid conditions in the downstream plains and blue hues show the zones of runoff formation in the upstream mountaineous places. Source: hydrosolutions GmbH.

As a foundation for the estimation of the small-scale hydropower potential (< 10 MW) in Central Asia, HSOL has worked to retrieve from different archives the locations and streamflow characteristics of close to 300 operational and historic gauges in the river basins (see red dots in Figure 1). Geolocating these was a significant task that required the consultation of different complementary sources. A meticulous workflow was established for cross-validating the identified gauge locations. All this was necessary because no such database exists in the region due to the lack of the tradition to work with geospatial data.


For all gauges, the contributing catchment areas were mapped. Many topographic/land-cover and (bio-)climatological characteristics, as well as information on land ice, are extracted from the latest state-of-the-art data sets. Climate forcing from four CMIP6 models and four scenarios was bias-corrected and downscaled to study in detail the climate impacts in the region and the implications for small-scale hydropower in the mountainous zones. Detailed hydrological studies are carried out at several sites of interest to inform, among other things, the proper dimensioning of the planned hydropower infrastructure and ecological minimum flows (Figure 2).

Figure 2: HSOL is carrying out several detailed hydrological catchment analyses of sites where possible sustainable and ecofriendly, small-scale hydropower technology can be implemented with the goal to foster a local and regional development. Source: hydrosolutions GmbH.

Finally, HSOL is co-designing with local stakeholders and implementing a water planning and accounting tool for comprehensive quantitative studies of the water, energy and food nexus dimensions in catchments of interest. Once operational in local agencies, this tool has the potential to streamline existing planning and accounting workflows and make them less error-prone and time-consuming, which may also lead to an overall improvement of the allocation of scarce water resources (Figure 3).

Figure 3: Count4D is a water-energy-food accounting tool that also allows for tradeoff analysis between the crucial nexus dimensions. Source: hydrosolutions GmbH.

This is just the beginning of an exciting journey to further unravel the hydrology of the Central Asian region and to gain a proper, solid understanding of how best to develop the local water resources in a sustainable and ecologically sensitive manner for the ultimate benefit of the local population. Stay tuned for more news on this channel. More information can also be found on the website of hydrosolutions GmbH.



Author: Tobias Siegfried, hydrosolutions GmbH


Partner Description: hydrosolutions GmbH
Website: www.hydrosolutions.ch
LinkedIn: hydrosolutions.ch
Facebook: @hydrosolutions.gmbh
Twitter: @H2O_SOL

University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences draws upon 150 years of international research and management expertise

JANUARY 21, 2022



In a time where sustainable development and management of the globe’s resources is more important than ever, the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU) draws upon 150 years of international research and management expertise. Within Hydro4U, BOKU plays a key role in finding sustainable hydropower development solutions in Central Asia’s multidisciplinary and complex environment.


A team of highly motivated researchers from two BOKU institutes – the Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and River Research (IWA) and the Institute of Hydrobiology and Aquatic Ecosystem Management (IHG) – with profound experience in integrative river basin planning and environmental research is involved in several project tasks. Working with state-of-the-art tools at different spatial scales, the BOKU team will explore the sustainable small-scale hydropower potential and develop decision support tools for the detection of potential sites. BOKU scientists will also conduct extensive field measurements to provide invaluable baseline data for installing the two demo hydropower facilities.


The successful start of BOKU’s project activities – together with its project partners hydrosolutions GmbH (HSOL), the International Water Management Institute (IWMI), the “Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers” National Research University (TIIAME NRU), and SJE Ecohydraulic Engineering – resulted in a unique geodatabase, currently consisting of over 40 usable spatially relevant data sets assigned to six thematic sectors. This Hydro4U database provides a key starting point and a central element for research questions and project tasks of multiple work packages dealing with the analysis and replication of unexploited small-scale hydropower potential as well as the Water-Food-Energy-Climate nexus. Motivated by this project deliverable’s success, the BOKU team now delves into methodological and conceptional research questions, sustainability assessments and is looking forward to furthering exchange within the project team and the stakeholders, jointly developing sustainable solutions for small-scale hydropower  in Central Asia.


Authors: Beatrice Wagner, Helmut Habersack – BOKU IWA | Daniel S. Hayes – BOKU IHG


Partner Description: BOKU
Website: https://boku.ac.at/en/
Twitter: @BOKUvienna, @BOKU_IHG


SJE Ecohydraulic Engineering – Linking Hydraulics with Ecology in Hydro4U

December 21, 2021

SJE Ecohydraulic Engineering GmbH celebrates its 20th anniversary in 2021. Founded in 2001, the company works at the interface between river hydraulics and river ecology. Since then, SJE has been involved in various research projects, while at the same time developing new technologies, in particular modelling tools for eco-hydraulic studies, and applying these new tools to environmental impact assessment, especially with regard to hydropower plants.


In Hydro4U, SJE and its associated partner KJ Consult are responsible for the planning of sustainable small-scale hydropower (SHP) at several demonstration and planning sites. The design and operation strategies of the planned hydropower plant (HPP) will be optimised in order to minimise environmental impacts. Main aspects considered are e.g.


  • riverine habitats upstream and downstream of the HPP sites and potential compensatory measures to support river ecology,
  • environmental flows to be released to ensure good ecological conditions for aquatic organisms in all seasons,
  • the optimised operation of turbines to prevent rapid flow changes and
  • the design of upstream and downstream migration facilities integrating telemetry studies and innovative modelling (using tools developed in the H2020 project FIThydro).


To reach the goal of implementing environmentally friendly hydropower, SJE closely cooperates with local experts (Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers, Uzbekistan) as well as with renowned European partners (BOKU Vienna, Austria and EVINBO Brussels, Belgium) integrating knowledge in fish ecology, water quality, sampling and tracking technologies, environmental hydraulics and hydrology. The fish species caught by the local fish ecology expert in the area of the potential HPP sites that could serve as indicators for river ecology are snow trout (Schizothorax sp., first picture) and a genus of stone loach (Nemacheilus sp., second picture). Their habitat requirements serve as input for habitat investigations, carried out using the SJE software CASiMiR (www.casimir-software.de) for environmental flow setting.


Authors: Matthias Schneider, SJE Ecohydraulic Engineering GmbH


Photo credits: Bakhtiyor Karimov, Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers

Making Hydro4U project activities visible and sustainable

November 23, 2021

Steinbeis Europa Zentrum (Steinbeis) stands for over 30 years of experience in innovation consulting and research funding throughout Europe and beyond. In cooperation with TUM, Steinbeis was strongly involved in the Hydro4U proposal writing and now, we are very glad that the project consortium got the chance to demonstrate small-scale hydropower (SHP) solutions in Central Asia.


In the project, our role is to coordinate the Dissemination and Communication (D&C) activities as well as the Exploitation measures.


Our D&C activities include on the one hand, to raise awareness on the project’s aims and objectives and on the other hand, to enable the communication and networking with our stakeholders in the EU and Central Asia. Hydro4U is connected with SHP stakeholders and similar projects and initiatives via its social media channels like Twitter (@Hydro4Uproject) and LinkedIn and by personal contacts of our partners. You can also follow our progress on the Hydro4U website www.hydro4u.eu. The website gives you insights into the latest project activities and news, the technical solutions and demonstration sites in Central Asia and will also make available articles and publications. Furthermore, we will distribute a newsletter 2-3 times a year, so please subscribe here to be automatically informed. To support know-how transfer and education on solutions in the hydropower technologies, partner universities in Europe and Central Asia jointly develop educational material and organise webinars and site visits.


In the Exploitation activities, we will clarify exploitable project results pre-defined during the proposal writing and manage intelligent property (IP) rights with a focus on the most promising commercial results. For the market uptake, we will conduct a market analysis and define business models and cases. A roadmap for exploitable results will enable partners to benefit from their joint work in the project.


Authors: Charlotte Schlicke (D&C), Matthieu Grosjean (Exploitation)


Partner description: Steinbeis Europa Zentrum 

Partner Website: https://www.steinbeis-europa.de/en/home 


Project Website: www.hydro4U.eu
Newsletter subscription: /newsletter/
Twitter profile: @Hydro4Uproject
LinkedIn profile: LinkedIn
YouTube: Hydro4U YouTube

Starting the first stage of the Hydro4U project

October 21, 2021

Promoting and upscaling the implementation of the sustainable small-scale hydropower (SHP) technologies in Central Asia through the large-scale Hydro4U project activities are in full action. To reach the project’s first major stage, a project team consisting of part of the Hydro4U consortium undertook a trip to Central Asia visiting Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan from 22nd of September to 3rd of October 2021. The project team’s focus lay on the identification and assessment of several potential demonstration and planning sites where our innovative small hydropower planning tools and equipment could be implemented within the upcoming project tasks. 


In Kyrgyzstan, the project team met with potential investors and stakeholders, such as the Ministry of Energy, to discuss the planned activities and expected outputs within the Hydro4U project. Synergies were created by active participation in KSTU´s Summer School with lectures on “Sustainable Hydropower” by Dr. Markus ReisenbüchlerTechnische Universität München, “Advancing Water-Energy-Food Nexus concept: Examples from Central Asia” by Oyture Anarbekov (IWMI-CA)International Water Management Institute (IWMI), and on “Central Asian hydrology” by Tobias Siegfriedhydrosolutions.ch.


In Uzbekistan, the Hydro4U project team visited further small hydropower sites organised by Uzbekgidroenergo and met with the European Delegation´s programme manager to discuss the proceedings and potential synergies with further EU activities in the region. The discussions presented valuable insights into the multifaceted regional peculiarities from a political, economic, environmental, technical and social point of view. The southern part of Kazakhstan marked the final destination of the Hydro4U project team’s visit to Central Asia. Here, the team faced highly complex man-made hydrological-hydraulic arrangements with vast potential for optimisation applying the Water-Energy-Food-Climate Nexus approach. 


The thorough analysis and evaluation of the identified sites is one of the most important initial steps of the project as it is the main prerequisite for the successful project implementation. The team returned very satisfied with several feasible options for the implementation of the upcoming tasks, that now need to be evaluated and prioritised.


The regional partners and stakeholders gave the team a very warm welcome and were enthusiastic and open for future collaboration based on innovative and sustainable approaches for the benefit of all.


Author: Oyture Anarbekov, International Water Management Institute IWMI


photo credits: Bertalan AlapfyTechnische Universität München

EU-H2020 project Hydro4U contributes to KSTU’s Summer School

September 26, 2021

Hydro4U aims at bringing together stakeholders from industry, politics and science, both from Central Asia and the European Union in order to contribute to a sustainable and climate-resilient future for the region by demonstrating European small hydropower equipment and technologies.


One task within Hydro4U is the development of academic programmes and courses on sustainable hydropower for students from Europe and Central Asia. Hydro4U project partner Kyrgyz State Technical University named after Iskhak Razzakov (KSTU) is hosting annually a two-week Summer School for students titled “Kyrgyzstan – Hydropower, Ecology and Hydromorphology”. This programme was already designed in 2019 by KSTU and Technical University of Munich (TUM). The SummerSchool is financially supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).


From 14 to 26th September 2021, students from Germany and Kyrgyz Republic experienced the incredible potential of hydropower in Kyrgyzstan but also learned about ecological impacts and sustainability related to ecology and hydro-morphology. The main organisational work of the Summer School was done by Venera Baichekirova, Head of the International Department at KSTU. On the technical side, she was supported by Prof. Trukmen Jabudaev and Prof. Nuridin Niazov, both from KSTU, and Dr. Markus Reisenbüchler from TUM. The concept of the Summer School consists of lectures and workshops at KSTU in Bishkek combined with field trips to interesting sites in the Kyrgyz Republic related to hydropower and natural river systems. The programme is completed by cultural offers such as Russian language courses and sightseeing trips.


Hydro4U contributed actively to the Summer School programme to reach students and academic experts. After an overall introduction by Prof. Jabudaev (KSTU) on renewable energies in the Kyrgyz Republic, Dr. Markus Reisenbüchler (TUM) introduced the Hydro4U project as well as concepts for sustainable small-scale hydropower and ecological river management in an interactive workshop. Further lectures from Hydro4U were given by Dr. Tobias Siegfried (Hydrosolutions Ltd) on “Climate and Climate Change in Central Asia” and Oyture Anarbekov (IWMI-CA) on “Advancing Water-Energy-Food-Climate Nexus concept: Examples from Central Asia”. Both talks explained to the students the environmental and agricultural background of Central Asia and drew a picture on future challenges in this interesting region. A highlight was the guided tour by Prof. Niazov through the Toktogul and Kurp Sai hydropower stations. Further technical sites visited were the Chakan GES SHPs (guided by Mr. Ulan Aituganov), the Kambar-Ata-2 HP (guided by Mr. Marat Nabatov) and the Orto-Tokoy irrigation reservoir (guided by Mr. Nurbek Sadygaliew).


This Summer School is an ideal way to gather students but also experts from Europe and Central Asia to discuss and learn in an exciting environment. The Hydro4U consortium is happy that they could contribute to this event.


Authors: Markus Reisenbüchler, TUM and Oyture Anarbekov, International Water Management Institute IWMI


photo credits: Markus Reisenbüchler, Technische Universität München