News & Events
News & Events

News & Events

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Then Check out Hydro4U’s latest news & events. You can sort by category.

Using BIM for detailed Design
Protection of Fish Biodiversity in mountainous areas of Central Asia
Connecting fish and people: Protection of Fish Biodiversity in Mountainous areas of Central Asia
Harnessing open-source datasets for global Water–Food–Energy–Climate Nexus analysis, demonstrated in Central Asia
2023 HydroKG Summer School in Kyrgyzstan
Global Experts Identify Top 100 Questions to Improve Sustainable Management of Hydropeaking
Towards including transboundary Water-Food-Energy-Climate Nexus considerations in the decision making for new Small Hydro Power projects in Central Asia
Kaplan EVO – rethinking the Kaplan Turbine with the bigger picture in Mind
Wet and Hot Central Asia
The Socio-Economic Impacts of the Water-Energy-Food Nexus on Women’s Livelihoods in Central Asia