News & Events
News & Events

News & Events

Interested what is going on in our project and the small-scale hydropower community?
Then Check out Hydro4U’s latest news & events. You can sort by category.

SJE Ecohydraulic Engineering – Linking Hydraulics with Ecology in Hydro4U
1st Hydro4U Newsletter – December 2021
HyPeak: Survey on Hydropeaking Hydropower
Visit of potential planning site in Tajikistan
Enhancing water resources management in the shared Karatag Basin: Building shared data sets and strengthening institutional coordination
Making Hydro4U project activities visible and sustainable
Starting the first stage of the Hydro4U project
Hydro4U is now member of PLANET CLUSTER
EU-H2020 project Hydro4U contributes to KSTU’s Summer School
Hydro4U is now on YouTube